Today 28.02.2022 is the annual World Rare Disease Day
The main aim of the initiative is to raise awareness among the general public about rare diseases and their impact on patients and their families.
There are over 350 000 people with rare diseases in our country.
A rare disease is any disease that affects less than 1:2000 citizens. Most are genetic and present throughout a person’s life, even if symptoms do not appear immediately after birth. They are all characterized by a wide variety of symptoms and signs, and most of all by the fact that most cases remain hidden for a long time.
Unfortunately, there is a cure for only a few of them. For about 5% of over 8000 diseases. World statistics show that globally over 40% of patients with a rare disease are undiagnosed.
Driven by the desire to be shoulder to shoulder in the fight for a full life of our patients and the promotion of new diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities of modern medicine, we at Reimex Pharma are launching an information campaign for the prevention of rare liver diseases.
It aims to inform the public about rare diseases by answering the most frequently asked questions and telling about the treatment of those affected by them. The problems of patients with rare diseases are related both to the lack of an accurate diagnosis or its late diagnosis, and to the lack of sufficient information about the disease itself.